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posted October 30, 2020

UW Courses for Interested in Polish Culture

The fall quarter at the University of Washington brings courses that can draw people interested in Polish culture. As usual, seniors 60+ can attend for just $5  through the UW Access Program. Notable courses include

    Slavic Lands and Peoples by Prof. Bojan Belić

        This is a 101 geopolitical and cultural intro course to present-day Slavic nations

    East European Cinema by Prof. Gordana Crnković

         The Cinema of Roman Polanski

More:  UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee September newsletter

posted September 24, 2020

 No Consular Visit to Seattle Expected Anytime Soon

The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles has suspended its program of rotating consular visits to different cities such as Seattle and Portland to handle passport applications for Polish citizens due to COVID-19. For now, no visits are planned till the end of the year.


More: the Consulate passport info

posted August 25, 2020

Polish Schools and COVID-19

The local Polish Schools are adapting to the difficulties created by the pandemic with their school year starting around mid-September. There is also a recommendation for an online school in Poland.

Szkoła Polska im. Ks. J. Twardowskiego w Bellevue
The School will have all the classes online, which is the same way the classes where conducted from March to June because of the pandemic. Normally the school accepts children from the kindergarten to the 8th grade.  However, there will be no registration for the kindergarten students this year. The first day of school will be on Wednesday September 16, 2020.

Szkoła Polska im. J. Słowackiego w Seattle 
The School will have all classes online. There will be no in-person registration eather - to register please contact school officials listed below. The first day of school will be: Saturday, September 19 at 10 am for children, Tuesday, September 22 for adult beginners and Monday September 21 for other adults.

Recommendations for online sites
If you are interested in online education that is closely following the official curriculum of elementary schools in Poland, a local Seattle parent with a Polish speaking child and experience using the site recommends
Polinijka.edu.pl. The Consulate General from Vancouver, BC recommends the following sites for children fluent in Polish: www.pistacja.tv with free video lessons on match and chemistry and www.poluni.org for children 6-13 years old with extensions program covering subjects from biology and math to electronics, architecture and robotics.


More: For Polish School in Bellevue, please contact Anna Cholewinska at twardowskischool@gmail.com; For Polish School in Seattle, please contact principal Maria Grabowska or Anna Babcock

updated August 25, 2020

Flights To Poland under COVID-19 Restrictions

While American citizens cannot enter the EU countries, you can fly to Europe on a different passport. There are two ways to do it. You can book a flight on a regular airline such as Delta using your Polish passport or a passport from another EU country.

You can also book a charter flight on the Polish Airlines LOT. Lot has special charter flights from Chicago and New York JFK to Warsaw for Polish citizens and other people who have the right to enter Poland.

Tickets for these charter flights are not available at the LOT website or at travel agents - to make a reservation contact LOT directly by email at rescue.flights@lot.pl.


More: Border regulations for entering Poland (PL), Coronovirus regulations and restrictions in Poland (PL)

posted July 7. updated August 27, 2020

 July 11, Polish Presidential Election - second round

The second round of the Polish presidential election in America is on July 11, 2020, 7 am to 9 pm. The incumbent, Andrzej Duda (PiS) goes against Rafal Trzaskowski (PO). Voting in the USA is by mail only. Seattle belongs to the polling station #126 at the Polish Consulate General in Los Angeles.  You need to be Polish citizen and registered to vote; the registration deadline has passed.

The results of the second round In the LA consular region (polling station #126):  Trzaskowski 2464 (72.7%), Duda 926 (27.3%). There were 4960 registered voters, 3565 packages returned on time and 3404 valid votes cast. In the United States Duda had 19 700 votes (55%) of the 35,844 votes cast. About 33% more people registered for the second round in LA and in the United States.Only 71.9% packets were returned on time in LA.

Update about election packets for the second round. The LA Consulate sent them from Tuesday, June 30 to Thursday July 2 by 1st class mail. Your vote has to be received at the Consulate by 9 pm on July 11 to count.


More: LA Consulate facebook page, Official announcement about voting in the USA (PL), electronic voter registration (PL)

updated June 30, 2020

 June 27, Polish Presidential Election By Mail Only

The Polish presidential election in America has been rescheduled to June 27, 2020, 7 am to 9 pm. Voting in the USA is by mail only. Seattle belongs to the polling station #126 at the Polish Consulate General in Los Angeles.  If you are a Polish citizen and you want to vote by mail, you need to register again. The registration deadline for this round has passed. This is the first round, with the second round two weeks later if needed.

The results of the first round In the LA consular region (polling station #126):  Trzaskowski 1509, Duda 653, Hołownia 291 out of 2899 packets returned and 2811 votes cast. In the United States Duda had 50,7% of the 26 126 votes cast.

Registration for the second round (expected): if you didn't register for the first round you can do it for the second one, the deadline is June 29. People who registered for the first round don't have to register again to receive their second round voting package by mail.

More: Voting delivery deadline (PL), voting in the USA (PL), electronic voter registration (PL)

updated June 24, 2020

 Elections at the Polish Home

Erik Lidzbarski

 John Golubiec


At the Polish Home Association annual meeting in January 2020, there was a change of leadership and the following people have been elected: Mr. Erik Lidzbarski as the PHA President, Mr. Bohdan Raciborski as the Senior Vice-President and Mr. Roman Rogalski the Treasurer. Their terms run one year. John Golubiec is again the Chairman of the PHA Board of Trustees. Congratulations! Also, a big thank you to Mr. Pawel Krupa who was very successful running PHA as President for the last 6 years.


More: The PHA owns and runs the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski in Seattle.

Detailed results of the PHA elections.

posted June 4, 2020

May 5-6, all day:Polish Community Fundraiser at GiveBIG WA online


These are difficult times, but if you can support Polish orgs and events, please do so!
The annual Seattle GiveBIG donation event is now called GiveBIG Washington and it's a remainder and opportunity to support local charities. As in 2019, Seattle Polish Foundation (SPF) and other local Polish organizations joined to launch a community-wide fundraiser at the GiveBIG site to benefit different local Polish events and initiatives.

You can support causes such as the Seattle Polish Film Festival and other cultural events, Polish Schools, improving infrastructure at the Polish Cultural Center and more, by donating to SPF at the GiveBIG page and indicating where your money should go.  
If you typically donate through GiveBIG you are welcome to do so; however, please be aware that this year the GiveBIG campaign charges 4.6% fee on online donations. Hence,
donating to Seattle Polish Foundation directly is the most cost effective way to apply your generosity towards your favorite Polish cause

Update on 5/20/2020: Despite hard times this was a very successful fundraiser. Over 50 people donated about $5,000 to SPF to support different Polish events and organizations, with biggest support for PHA and SPF programs. Thank you donors!

More: GiveBIG site is closed for donations now, but you can donate to SPF at any time directly.

posted April 30, 2020

 Polish Presidential Elections - Not In Seattle

If you are a Polish citizen, you might be wondering about the Presidential elections in Poland due in May. As of today, there is still no decision on postponing the election or changing the rules to allow voting by mail. Hence, technically, per the election announcement back in February 2020, the elections are supposed to happen in the United States on May 9 with voting in person only. The only polling stations available on the west coast are at the Polish Consulates in LA and in Vancouver, BC. As usual, voting in America requires a prior registration.


More: Official announcement about voting in the USA (PL), electronic voter registration (PL)

posted April 30, 2020

Polish Food To Go: Sebi's Bistro & George's Deli

As we hunker down because of the coronavirus, don't forget that there are Polish businesses that would be happy to serve you Polish food. Both Sebi's Bistro and George's Deli prepare takeout food during their usual business hours, so you can call with an order & stop by to pick it up. Both businesses also registered with the popular delivery apps such as  UberEats, Postmates or GrubHub so you can order a delivery to your home as well. Finally, both businesses take special orders for Easter.


More: Sebi's Bistro website, George's Deli facebook page

posted March 19, 2020

Helping the Needy w/ Groceries and Meds

Polish community help is available to the elderly or people who need it, they can get groceries or meds delivered to their home. This initiative was started is run by the Polish Scout Organization - Seattle Council leaders and members. From the beginning, the scouts have been supported by volunteers and financing from other Polish organizations, notably Polish Home Association, Polish Women's Club, Seattle Polish Foundation and other folks with a big heart.

Update: most people in the Polish community have been already contacted over the phone by volunteers, and some folks received deliveries. Also, SPF received several donations for a total of $1,000 to support this initiative.

if you need assistance or know of somebody who does, please write to pomoc@polishhome.org or help@polishhome.org, or call 206-322-3020, in Polish or English.


If you would like to volunteer, the contact is ochotnicy@polishhome.org or volunteers@polishhome.org; Seattle Polish Foundation is also asking for donations to support this initiative.


More: Polish Cultural Center website, Seattle Polish Foundation website

posted March 18, 2020

From March 14: The Polish Cultural Center Is Closed

The Polish Cultural Center restaurant has been closed due to coronavirus as of March 14, 2020 per a PHA decision till further notice. As all the events and regular programs such as Polish school & library, yoga classes, movie screenings, dances etc. have been cancelled, the Center is effectively closed till further notice.

The restaurant will be closed at least till March 31, as per the Governor orders.


Where: at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski in Seattle

More: PHA website

posted March 16, 2020

WA Senate Resolution about Poland

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of establishing the diplomatic relations between the United States and the Republic of Poland in January 1919, the Washington State Senate issued a resolution to commemorate one hundred years of diplomatic relations between the two countries and to recognize the Polish-American community of our state for their culture and heritage and for its contributions to the local society. Representatives of the Polish community were in attendance at the State Capitol for the bill's adoption, including Consul General Jaroslaw Łasinski and Honorary Consul Teresa Indelak Davis.


More: The resolution and pictures from Olympia, full text of the resolution is available here

posted March 5, 2020

Welcome Dr. Justyna Zych, the UW Fulbright Scholar

The UW Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures and the UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee welcomes Dr. Justyna Zych in Seattle. Dr. Zych is an Assistant Professor at the Polonicum Center of Polish Language & Culture for Foreigners at the University of Warsaw. She will be teaching the course Warsaw: A Window To Contemporary Polish History and Culture in the spring quarter running from March 30 to June 5. Welcome and good luck!


More: poster, about the course, about Dr. Zych

posted February 27, 2020

UW Courses for Interested in Polish Culture

The spring quarter at the University of Washington brings several courses that will be a magnet to people interested in Polish culture. As usual, seniors 60+ can attend for just $5. Notable courses include

    Warsaw: A Window To Contemporary Polish History and Culture by Dr. Justyna Zych

        Warsaw is a fantastic lens for introduction to the Polish history and culture

    East European Film by Prof. Gordana Crnkovic

         Highlighting filmmakers Milos Forman, Agnieszka Holland, Roman Polanski and Istvan Szabo.

More:  Zych poster, about Warsaw: A window..., about East European Film

posted February 27, 2020

Host Families Needed For a Week+ in July 2020


Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Assn. (SGSCA) invites you to host one of the exchange students coming from Poland to attend the Washington Business Week at Gonzaga in Spokane in July 2020. Five hosting families are needed for July 10-12 (before the program) and July 17-26 (stay after the program).


More: SGSCA info on the 2020 hosting

posted February 27, 2020

Mementos Needed for the 100 Anniversary of John Paul II

The Polish community of Bellingham is preparing an exhibit for May 2, 2020 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of John Paul II' birth and is collecting photos and mementos of the Pope. If you have any archival photos or have a story about John Paul II to share, please contact Urszula Kubik.


More: event leaflet or please contact Urszula Kubik, also at 360-715-9331

posted February 27, 2020

Free Trip To Poland in August 2020


To get this free lunch you need to volunteer to be a mentor at Gdynia Business Week Program for high school students in Gdynia, Poland from August 16 to 21, 2020. The program is in English and the mentors serve as Company Advisors for fictitious companies being developed during the week, coaching, empowering and helping to develop leadership skills of the young entrepreneurs of future. If you want to know more see the info below.


More: Gdynia Busines Week 2020 info

posted February 20, 2020

Flavor of Poland on KCTS on Wednesdays at 12 pm


Flavor of Poland is a culinary-travel PBS television series presenting the country of Poland to American viewers like they've never seen it before. Hosted by Aleksandra August, the series shows off not only distinctly Polish dishes (check out the sorrel & crayfish soup recipe!) but also the most beautiful and interesting aspects and landscapes of Poland. The series is scheduled to start on KCTS from April 1, 2020.


More: Flavor of Poland website

posted February 13, 2020

Help Making Pierogi for the Spring Bazaar

Make pierogi!

Would you like to learn how to make pierogi? This is your chance to learn from the best! The Polish Women's Club invites everybody to pierogi making sessions before the Spring Bazaar at the Polish Cultural Center on April 4, 2020. Come to help, or come to learn how to make pierogi first and then help at one of the Tuesdays starting on February 25 and ending on March 24.

All pierogi making sessions are at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski on Tuesdays from 6 to 8 pm.


More: Contact the Club President Barbara Augustyniak for more info

posted February 12, 2020

Ms. Isia Kott Has Died



Maria "Isia" Kott


Mrs. Maria Kott, known to everybody as Isia, a beloved wife, mother, and grandmother and an active member of the Polish community in Seattle died peacefully of cancer on January 23, 2020. She was a gentle and caring person and loved by all. She was 64.

Maria Elżbieta Kłoczowska was born in Lublin, Poland in 1955 and raised there in a patriotic family. She was devoted to her parents: Krystyna, from whom she inherited deep faith and inner strength, and Jerzy Kłoczowski, a renown historian and Polish WWII Resistance fighter ... read more here


Memorial Mass at 1 pm on Friday, January 31, 2020 at St. Jude Catholic Church in Redmond. Remembrance Reception at 2 pm (immediately after the mass) at the Lovett Hall adjacent to the church, where there will be an opportunity to share memories.

Funeral is planned at a later date at the Kłoczowski family grave in Poland.

In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to to the UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee / UW Polish Studies Fund or to Bread of Life Mission or St. Vincent de Paul charities.

updated January 27, 2020

The Great Orchestra Fundraiser Is Another Big Success

The Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity fundraiser at the Polish Cultural Center on January 11, 2020 was a big success and a great family event. Supporters turned out in droves including many families with small kids and were enthusiastic about non-stop performances from 4 pm to 10 pm and the Swing It Seattle demo engaged half of the floor! The event was a big financial success, raising over $11,000 in Seattle. Kudos to Anna Cholewinska for founding the event and congratulations to the organizing committee and all volunteers!

More: facebook WOSP Seattle page or contact Anna Cholewinska

updated January 25, 2020

Polish Christmas Tree Wins The Festival of Trees!





The Polish Christmas Tree entry at the Festival of Trees in Auburn has won the competition and the main prize of $500! The festival exhibition of Christmas trees from different countries was on display at the White River Valley Museum in Auburn, WA, through December till January 5, 2020. Congratulations to all who helped to make decorations and prepare the tree, and especially to organizers Jola Paliświat and Magdalena Gustowska-Kucharska, artists donating their decorations, volunteers attending a decoration-making workshop, nativity scene sponsors Basia Niesulowski & Ania Borodenko and to the Polish Women's Club for financial support!


On the picture the decorating crew in Auburn (clockwise from left): Marek & Jola Szymanski, Jola Paliświat, Jasia Marzec, Lucyna Blonska, Mariola Kulawiec and Asia Gromadzka.


More: Polish Christmas Tree at the Festival of Trees

posted January 8, 2020

Till Jan 5: Polish Christmas Tree at Festival of Trees in Auburn

White River Valley Museum presents Festival of Trees: A Celebration of Community and Culture. This seasonal exhibit features Christmas trees decorated according to traditions of many countries, it also includes a Polish Christmas Tree. The decorations have been prepared by Polki na Eastside i w Seattle, and local Polish-American artists supported by the Polish Women's Club. Visitors vote for their favorite tree, and the winning tree gets a $500 prize for their organization or favorite charity so you better go there and vote ... hint, hint ...


Where: White River Valley Museum in Auburn, WA; Museum tickets $5 / $2

More: Museum page about festival, museum hours Wednesday-Sunday noon - 4 pm

Volunteer for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Seattle!

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC / WOSP) is the biggest annual charity event in Poland, raising over $140 million in 2019; it has been raising funds for children hospital equipment and similar causes since 1991. This is also the goal this year. In Seattle this is the second edition of this event. Volunteers will be soliciting funds on January 11 & 12 and the local Grand Finale will take place at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski on January 11 from 4 to 10 pm. The Finale program includes performance by several local groups, auctions, games, great food and more! The GOCC Seattle needs a lot of volunteers, so if you would like to help please contact the organizers right away!


More: facebook WOSP Seattle page, the volunteer contact is Anetka Kalicka, the overall questions / info to Anna Cholewinska

posted December 12, 2018

 2019 Polish Community Giving Campaign - donate before Dec 31!

If you are looking for charity to support before the end of the year, give to Seattle Polish Foundation (SPF)!

This year, SPF and other local Polish organizations joined to launch a community-wide fundraiser to benefit different local Polish causes. You can support any local cause or event such as Polish Festival Seattle or the Seattle Polish Film Festival, Polish schools, cultural events, improving infrastructure at the Polish Cultural Center and more, by making a donation to SPF.  read more about this campaign


More: 2019 Fundraising campaign, SPF donation page

posted December 12, 2019

 Art Sale For the Orphanage Is a Success

The art sale organized recently by the Polish Parish and the local artist Basia Niesulowski has been quite successful. A sum of $2,100, which includes proceeds from the art sale as well as cash donations, has been sent to the orphanage maintained by the Sisters of Mercy of St. Karol Boromeusz (Carlo Borromeo) in Katowice, Poland. Congratulations!


More: Art sale For an Orphanage at the Polish Parish

posted December 8, 2019

 Read Polish Books For Free On Mobile

The Seattle Public Library Polish librarian Leszek Chudzinski invites you to read 12 super books in Polish at leisure using your phone or iPad by joining the event CZYTAJ PL (read PL). Directions: 1) download the free book app WOBLINK (iOS/Android), 2) scan the QR code from the event poster, 3) read or listen to 12 great books. The event ends on Nov 30, 2019, so hurry! You can also drop by to the SPL Central Library and pick up a book from an extensive Polish book collection there - no time limit on that one, and it's also free!


More: czytaj.pl website, or contact Leszek Chudzinski, SPL Central Library LEW dept, 1st floor, tel. 206-386-4636

posted November 21, 2019

 Dec 13 & 14: Consular Visit to Seattle at the Polish Cultural Center

The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles kindly informs that the consular visit to Seattle to process passport applications is scheduled for December 13 & 14, 2019. The Consul will be available at the Polish Cultural Center, by reservation only, 9 am to 5 pm on Friday and 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday. To make a reservation send an email to losangeles.kg.paszporty@msz.gov.pl with subject line "Dyżur w Seattle" stating your name, the PESEL number or the passport number and a preferred time.


Where: at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski in Seattle, WA; reservations required.

More: info about the visit in Seattle (PL), the Consulate passport info

posted November 20, 2019

 Local Results of the Polish Parliamentary Elections

These are the local results of the Polish parliamentary elections in Seattle and the USA, compared to overall results.


Percent of valid votes for different candidates cast in Seattle, LA consular region, USA and overall for the Senate electoral district #44 in Warsaw. Total votes cast includes invalid votes.

Candidate Seattle LA region USA dist. #44
C. Kasprzak, Ob. RP 16.00% 14.25% 7.94% 15.35%
M. Rudnicki, PiS 26.35% 27.05% 58.02% 29.04%
K. Ujazdowski, KO 57.65% 58.70% 34.04% 55.25%
Total votes cast 428 2,944 29,195 558,589


Result: Mr. Ujazdowski (KO) became the Senator from the Senate electoral district #44.


Percent of valid votes for different parties cast in Seattle, LA consular region, USA and overall for the Sejm electoral region #19 in Warsaw. Total votes cast includes invalid votes.

Party Seattle LA region USA dist. #19
PiS 22.48% 21.98% 52.75% 27.49%
KO 47.78% 48.19% 27.68% 42.05%
Lewica 16.16% 18.29% 8.83% 18.19%
Konfederacja 11.71% 9.08% 8.30% 7.51%
PSL 1.87% 2.46% 2.44% 4.75%
Total votes cast 428 2,946 29,517 1,381,917


Results: KO won 9 seats (45%), PiS won 6 seats (30%), Lewica won 3 seats (15%), Konfederacja won 1 seat (5%) and PSL won 1 seat (5%) of the total of 20 seats from the Sejm electoral district #19.

More: oficial result site

posted October 17, 2019

 Support Seattle Polish Film Festival

2019 SPFF Poster

The Polish Film Institute has cut down its financial support to the Seattle Polish Film Festival (SPFF) this year, leaving a significant hole in the budget. Hence, the SPFF and its producer, the Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Association are appealing to all film buffs around here to open their wallets wider than usual to support the festival financially!

Please see the SPFF donor letter and the SPFF donation form that you can send in with your donation.


Also: As always, volunteers are needed to run the Festival. Send email to volunteer@polishfilms.org if interested.


More: SPFF site

updated September 24, 2019

 Call for Polish Art for the SPFF Opening Party

Seattle Polish Film Festival is excited to issue its first open call to local Polish artists! SPFF would like to show off, and sell if possible, the artwork during the annual Vodka and Drop of Art opening party for the Festival. The event is part of the Capitol Hill Art Walk on Thursday, October 10. All mediums and techniques are welcome. The deadline for submission is October 4, 2019. Please see the Calling All Polish Artists leaflet for more info.


More: SPFF site

posted September 19, 2019

Learn How & Help Making Pierogi for the Fall Bazaar

Make pierogi!

Would you like to learn how to make pierogi? THis is your chance to learn from the best! The Polish Women's Club invites everybody to pierogi making sessions before the Spring Bazaar at the Polish Cultural Center on November 2-3, 2019. Come to help, or come to learn how to make pierogi first and then help at one of these days:

       September 17 & 24, October 1, 8, 15 & 22

All pierogi making sessions are at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 pm.


More: Contact the Club President Barbara Augustyniak for more info

posted September 12, 2019

 Help Andrzej Mroz w/ Medical Bills

Andrzej Mróz

Mr. Andrzej Mroz, the former Solidarity leader, local community activist and one of the most recognizable members of the Polish community had a quadruple by-pass surgery and is currently at an ICU. Friends of the family established this GoFundMe page to help with medical bills and for expression of support. Mr. Mroz was the Solidarity leader at the Ziemowit coal mine in Tychy, Poland and was decorated with the Polonia Restituta Order. He was also featured in the documentary movie Poassing the Torch about our community. Please go to this GoFundMe page and help with the fundraiser if you can.


Update as of September 19: the outpouring of the support by the community has been phenomenal and $20,000 have been raised in a short time; please read the thank you note from Kasia Mroz.


More: Solidarity Activists Honored by the Polish Consul

posted September 4, 2019

 Seattle Polish Film Festival Poster Contest

2018 SPFF Poster

Win $100! The 27th Annual Seattle Polish Film Festival  (SPFF) has announced its yearly competition for the festival poster design for this year's Festival to be held in October. The submission deadline is August 10, 2019. To learn more, please read the 2019 SPFF poster competition guidelines and entry form.


Also: Volunteers needed to run the Festival. Send email to volunteer@polishfilms.org if interested.


More: SPFF site

posted July 28, 2019

Local Polish Americans Decorated by the Consul General

Miroslawa Kruszewska

      Izabella Wodzicki


At the Polish Festivat at the Seattle Center on July 13, 2019 Consul General Jarosław Łasiński honored two local Polish-Americans with decorations bestowed by the President of the Republic of Poland.

Ms. Mirosława Kruszewska of Seattle received the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for artistic and creative activities and promoting Polish culture and arts. Ms. Kruszewska is a poet, theatre critic and essayist and published several books, including W pułapce wolnosci / Trapped in Freedom and Polacy w Ameryce (Poles in America).

Ms. Izabella Wodzicki, nee Odyniec, of Bellingham received the Siberian Exiles Cross awarded to the survivors of the brutal deportations of Polish citizens to Soviet Union camps during WWII.


posted July 28, 2019

Members of Polish Choir Honored by the Consul General





At the Polish Festival at the Seattle Center on July 13, 2019 Consul General Jarosław Łasiński honored several members of the Polish Choir Vivat Musica! with the certificates of recognition on the 15th anniversary of the choir.

The following founding members received the certificates awarded by the Consul General (left-to-right): Barbara Niesulowski, Mira Pawluskiewicz, Barbara McNair, Maria Grabowska; not pictured: Anna Sawicki and Zbigniew Przydzielski. Congratulations!

posted July 28, 2019

Book About Darek Stuj

Local philanthropist and marathon runner Darek Stuj of Seattle is the hero of a new book printed recently in Poland. Massa Publishers issued his auto-biography Z KRAŚNIKA DO SEATTLE, moje ślady na ścieżkach pomagania innym, edited by Jolanta Boroń. The book describes his spiritual journey leading to a lifetime of charity and helping others, both in his home town of Kraśnik, Poland, and in several African and Asian countries. His charity projects building wells, schools and orphanages inspired several other Seattleites to join his efforts. Congratulations!


More: article and video from the meet-the-author with Mr. Stuj in Kraśnik on June 10, 2019

posted July 11, 2019


  İ 2019-2020 Ryszard Kott

Fot. 'Fountain" - Hanna Gil

Fot. "Seattle" - Ryszard Kwieciński