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All You Can Eat!

2013 Pierogi Fest

May 11, 11:30 am - 4:00 pm

2013 Pierogi Fest Volunteer Positions

Click here for the 2013 Pierogi Fest Program 


Parents and students - community hours available from Polish Home Foundation

Volunteer perk: you can eat free of charge!


How to volunteer

Scan the positions below to see what's appealing to you and then sign up for the position.

To sign up for a position:

        go to this website iEvent Organizer

        click on Event Search and then on Pierogi Fest for a list of positions

        click on the position and the shift you would like to take, you can do more than one

Mail will be sent to the position coordinator automatically and you will get a confirmation from the position coordinator.             

Or you can always contact John Golubiec


Please note: position availability subject to change


Preparing for the Festival

PR Manager                                              TBD.

Preparing / copying leaflets, banners etc.     Malgosia M.


On Saturday morning 5/5                         9 to 11 am

Setup the beer garden (tables, barricades)     Matthew + 3

Setup the audience (100 folded chairs)          Matthew + 3

Setup 2 food booths (canopy & tables)           TBD

Setup info / cashier booth (canopy & tables)   TBD

Setup street musician canopy                       TBD

Setup signs on the nearby parking lots           TBD

Setup street signs about Pierogi Fest             TBD


Parking Lots                                       

Polish Home Parking lot / drop off help         from 10 am  TBD.

Offsite volunteer parking lot helper                from 8 am to noon TBD.

Offsite guest parking lot helper                     from 11 am  TBD


Outside Activities                                   from 11

MC / Announcer                                              TBD

Sound tech & helper                                         Krzysztof P-K + TBD


Festival Booth Outside              

Selling Festival Vouchers                     from 11:00

Cashier/Manager                                       TBD

Cashiers  + info                                         TBD (3)


Food Booths Outside

Potato Pancakes Booth                         from 11:00

Manager                                                  Jola Sz.

Volunteers                                               TBD (4).


Beer Garden                                      from 12 noon

Manager                                                    Zbig P.

Bartenders                                                 Zbig P., Ivona P.

Gatekeepers / Bouncers                             TBD (4)



Hallway                                                 from 11:00

Greeter                                                     TBD  (3)


Manager Room: Pierogi To Go      from 11:30

cashiers                                                     TBD (2)  (two shifts)

helpers                                                       TBD (2)  (two shifts)


Conference room                        

Staff & Choir use                                


Restaurant                                           from 11:00

Main cashier                                                Adam S.

Gate-keeper (1-2)                                         Bob M.


Floor Manager, table setup                            TBD ,

Helpers                                                        TBD (2)  

Waiters/cleaners                                           TBD (2)



Kitchen Manager                                        Agnieszka Sz.

Ladies (4-5)                                                 TBD.

Buffy male helpers                                        TBD (2)                                                                    

Dishwashers                                                TBD (2)                                    


Bar downstairs

soft drinks                                                   TBD (2)              


Café upstairs                                       from 11:30

Pastries / tea / coffee / soft drinks                 TBD (3)



Cultural program upstairs               from noon


Upstairs Manager / MC                               Lidka J.


Table & chair setup upstairs                        Dance Club


Children activities                                 from noon

book coloring etc.                                         TBD (2)


Books/CDs/DVDs sale                      from noon

Manager                                                      TBD (2)

Helpers                                                       TBD (2)                               



Event Management

Overall manager                                           John Golubiec

Volunteer manager & event coordinator            TBD (2)  John Golubiec

Kitchen manager                                          Agnieszka Sz.

Restaurant floor manager                                TBD

Outside manager                                            TBD

Upstairs program manager                             Lidia J.

PR Manager                                                  TBD

Facebook / Tweeter updates                          Diana A.

Press release                                               Krys K.

Detailed program flyer, what's where signs       Malgosia M.

Poster                                                          Marcin K.


HQ helpers

Setup street signs on the day of event             from 10:30, scouts

Messenger for last minute errands                   TBD (2)


Click here for 2013 Pierogi Fest Program 

To volunteer contact volunteer coordinator John Golubiec

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© 2013, Ryszard Kott

Fot. 'Fountain" - Hanna Gil

Fot. "Seattle" - Ryszard Kwieciński